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About Us

Discover how we're here to empower your success

effective partner for your business needs

Our solutions empower individuals, businesses, and governments to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Welcome to the heart of innovation and transformation. Postjer Group is where visionary ideas take shape, businesses thrive, and future possibilities become realities. A dedication to excellence, a love of teamwork, and an unwavering desire to think bigger are the hallmarks of our journey. With a diverse range of services spanning consultancy, sustainable product development, creative agency, and startup investments, we are more than consultants; we are partners in shaping tomorrow's success. Discover how Postjer Group is leading the way in reshaping industries, fostering growth, and making your aspirations a living, breathing truth.



Our Mission

At Postjer Group, our mission is to empower businesses to thrive in the digital era. We drive innovation and provide comprehensive solutions that transform your concepts into tangible successes. We steadfastly commit to ensuring that your pursuit of excellence is characterized by ongoing development and innovation.


Our Value

Community Collaboration: We believe in the strength of unity, fostering innovative ideas through collaboration.

Passion-Driven: We lead with a deep care for our people, customers, the planet, and the communities where we operate.

Ambition: Our relentless ambition drives us to think bigger and seek innovative solutions with the power to change the world.


Our Goals

Consulting Excellence: Our aim is to set industry standards by providing cutting-edge services across various sectors, such as technology, marketing, and business strategy.

Startup Ecosystems: We're committed to fueling the future by supporting startups with innovative solutions, nurturing entrepreneurship, and propelling breakthrough ideas.

What a Startup Should Have

Startup Programs

Dedicated Founders: We invest our resources and expertise in our partners, so we look for founders with who are fully committed to the success of their ventures.

Domain Experience: As software experts, we ensure the solution we craft for your business is best-in-class. We look for Startups whose teams and founders are similar experts in their respective fields.

Consistent Earning Power: Our ideal Startups have staying power. As dedicated partners, we are interested in Startups whose business models make sense long-term.

Economic Moats: What makes you unique? How will you differentiate your company from competitors and how can you ensure that differentiation has staying power?

eCommerce & Retail

Using custom eCommerce Software Development to create inventive customer experiences for your online store

Education & Learning

Developing personalised e-Learning resources and platforms to enhance learning results and experiences.

Supply Chain & Logistics

Digitalizing Supply Chain industry. Technology-Led solutions powered by agile on-demand software development teams.

Travel & Hospitality

Using cutting-edge technology and product engineering expertise. We create distinctive digital products for the travel and hospitality industries.

Media & Entertainment

Reimagining business models to address Media and Entertainment industry audience demands.

Real Estate

Product engineering for Real Estate industry. Driven by automation, data, and intelligence.


Developing a digital advantage for Manufacturing through automation, intelligent tools, IoT, and custom digital solutions.


Driving Healthcare transformation and ecosystem development based on strong product engineering standards and compliance benchmarks


Providing industry-leading digital banking platforms and integrated solutions to financial institutions throughout the world.


Meet Our Team

Discover the exceptional expertise of our team - dedicated professionals committed to realizing your vision and achieving success

Hudi Shehu

Chairman & CEO

Ruzvelt Shehu

Chief Operating Officer

Enri Beqo

Financial Advisor

Henerik Sadiku

Business Development

Sara Hasaj

Social Media Manager

Ledjana Oruci

Social Media Manager

Egreta Drenova

Design & Creativity

Oljana Maloku

Ambassador 🇦🇱

Oleksandra Liakh

Ambassador 🇬🇧

Arbnora Mayer

Ambassador 🇨🇭

Rahul Petchimuthu

Account Manager 🇨🇦

Irisa Hoxha

Account Manager 🇺🇸

We are looking for 5 other Ambassadors

France, Spain, Sweden, USA, Canada

  • Eris Deraj

    United Kingdom

    Good Service

    As a business owner, I have had the pleasure of working with the creative agency for the lsat year. Their team has exceeded my expectations in every way, and I am truly impressed with the quality of their work.

  • Oljana Maloku


    Awesome website

    I have been extremely happy with the results of working with the Postjer agency, and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for high-quality design and development services.

  • Dashamir Merkohasani


    Professional Company

    The creative agency's attention to detail and their ability to bring our vision to life were truly impressive. We are so happy with the final result, and we have already received many compliments on the work.

  • Erijad Llakaj


    Good Support Service

    The team was professional, responsive, and incredibly talented. They were able to quickly understand our needs and develop a custom design that was both user-friendly and visually appealing.

  • Elrida Leonard


    Very Satisfied

    I am so happy with my eCommerce, and I will definitely order more services like web management, social media marketing as well. Thank you for offering such high-quality work at a great price. Keep up the excellent work!




Happy Clients




Growth Rate



Our experts will gladly assist you with your inquiry

We're passionate about innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. If you are too, call or send us an email to get started.

We deliver seamless, intelligent, and valuable experiences that drive transformation. Our solutions empower individuals, businesses, and governments to thrive in an ever-evolving world

© 2021-2024 Postjer Group Limited. Or its affiliates. Our servers are powered 100% Renewable Energy🌱

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Our experts will gladly assist you with your inquiry

We're passionate about innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. If you are too, call or send us an email to get started.

We deliver seamless, intelligent, and valuable experiences that drive transformation. Our solutions empower individuals, businesses, and governments to thrive in an ever-evolving world

© 2021-2024 Postjer Group Limited. Or its affiliates. Our servers are powered 100% Renewable Energy🌱

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We will not spam, rent or sell your personal information, including your email address or name.



Our experts will gladly assist you with your inquiry

We're passionate about innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. If you are too, call or send us an email to get started.

We deliver seamless, intelligent, and valuable experiences that drive transformation. Our solutions empower individuals, businesses, and governments to thrive in an ever-evolving world

© 2021-2024 Postjer Group Limited. Or its affiliates. Our servers are powered 100% Renewable Energy🌱

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We will not spam, rent or sell your personal information, including your email address or name.